June 2, 2024

Blessed by the Trinity June 2nd, 2024

Passage: Ephesians 1:3-14
Service Type:

God of Word and Wisdom, you teach us ways that lead to healing and hope. Send the Holy Spirit to open our minds and hearts to your Word and Wisdom, so that we may know your healing and live in hope.  Amen

Today we’re going to hear about a word that is a key part of our faith, but which never appears in the Bible, that word is trinity. The word itself means ‘tri-unity’ or ‘three-in-oneness”, and in the case of Christianity, it is used to explain the teaching of Scripture that God is three persons and yet is one God.

The belief in the Trinity of God is so important that it is part of the Apostle’s Creed, which we recite every week during worship, referring to it in the first line, saying, “I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit.”.

Also, Living Faith, a booklet which is a summary of our beliefs, and is published by the Presbyterian Church in Canada, says this about the Trinity, “Therefore, with one church universal we believe in one God, eternal Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, three in one, one in three, equal in power and glory.” And while the word trinity itself never appears in the Bible there are over one thousand references to it, including references in all twenty seven books of the New Testament.

The one we’ll talk about today comes from the first chapter in our study of the book of Ephesians and speaks about our relationship with God. In it we’ll see how the Father chose us, the Son redeemed us, and the Spirit has sealed us. So, let’s see how that unfolds.

First of all, we’ll see how God, the Father, chose us. Paul writes, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, just as he chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless before him in love. He destined us for adoption as his children through Jesus Christ, according to the good pleasure of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace that he freely bestowed on us in the Beloved.”

What’s key in that passage are these words of Paul, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who … chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless before him in love. As followers of Jesus, we were chosen by God to be part of his family even before the creation of the world. This is known as predestination and is described as being rooted in love and leading to adoption into God's family through Jesus Christ. Understanding this should encourage us to reflect on the depth of God's love and his purposeful plan for our faith journey. God’s people weren’t an afterthought, we were part of his plan from the very beginning.

Paul then says, “He destined us for adoption as his children through Jesus Christ, according to the good pleasure of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace that he freely bestowed on us in the Beloved.” Here he talks about the spiritual blessings bestowed upon believers in Christ. It speaks of a divine plan which was set in place before the creation of the world, where people are chosen to be holy and blameless in God's sight. This is a plan, set in place by God, where some people are destined to become children of God through the grace of Jesus Christ. This is the plan of our loving God who chooses people not based on merit but out of love. God offers his love and faithfulness to all; some chose God and others do not. We all were given free will and ultimately that will decide our path with God.

This divine choice is an act of love, a preordained path leading to spiritual adoption through Jesus Christ. And it’s much more than just being chosen; it's about being cherished and valued. It's about being part of a larger plan that encompasses not only the individual but also the entirety of creation, as all things are to be united under Christ.

In understanding this idea of being chosen by God, we can find deeper meaning and new perspectives which can encourage us to consider the depth of God's love and the important design of our faith journey. It's an invitation to explore the spiritual blessings that are bestowed upon those in Christ—blessings that are described as stemming from God's good pleasure and glorious grace. These blessings are not just spiritual in nature but are also meant to show themselves in the lives of believers, guiding them towards a life that reflects the holiness and blamelessness that God desires. Their faith grows as they learn more about God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Also, Paul’s words speak to the joy and gratitude that should naturally arise from such a profound understanding of one's place in the divine plan. It's a call to live in a state of praise, recognizing the grace that has been 'freely bestowed' upon believers. This grace is not earned but given, highlighting the generous nature of God's love—a love that is both transformative and unifying. For us, as believers, it's a source of inspiration and reassurance, confirming that our lives are part of God’s plan for the world, that is unfolding according to his design.

But a key part of becoming part of the family of God is that we must be forgiven of our sins. And that’s where the second part of the Trinity, being Jesus, comes in. Paul tells us, “In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace that he lavished on us. With all wisdom and insight, he has made known to us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure that he set forth in Christ, as a plan for the fullness of time, to gather up all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth.”

These words emphasize the themes of redemption and forgiveness through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. It speaks of the grace of God being lavished upon believers, imparting wisdom, and understanding. It concludes with the belief that those who have faith in Christ might live for the praise of his glory.

Paul talks about redemption, forgiveness, and the unfolding of God's plan through Christ. He speaks about the richness of God's grace and how it has been lavished upon us, granting us wisdom, and understanding. We who have faith in Christ are to live for the praise of his glory, leading a life transformed by faith and a calling to glorify God. This passage is often seen as a source of comfort and assurance for us as believers, confirming that we are chosen and loved by God, and that our faith is part of a larger divine narrative that is both mysterious and purposeful. It's a powerful reminder of the spiritual blessings that are found in Christ and the hope that comes from being part of God's saving plan for the world.

What Paul is saying is that Jesus is the beloved of the Father. And it is because of the sacrifice of Jesus that we are redeemed. We are one with him. Jesus is accepted by the Father, and if he is accepted by the Father and we are in the Son, we are accepted by the Father. Think of it this way: Jesus wants us to have every good thing. And the Father loves the Son. And since the Father loves the Son, the Father will grant to the Son the thing the Son desires. And the thing the Son desires is that we have every good thing that we need in our lives.

Because of Jesus, we belong to God. That involves God forgiving our sins and bestowing grace upon us. It involves us being given hope in Christ. Jesus didn’t just come to die for our sins. He is part of a much bigger plan. The goal of God’s plan is that all things will be united in Jesus Christ. We’ve been waiting a long time for that to happen, but we always must remember that God’s time is different from our time. We like everything to be instantaneous but, in the Bible, we see that God’s plan unfolds over longer periods of time. We know God gives us many chances over our lifetimes, perhaps he’s waiting to save every last soul that is possible before he makes any big changes that will affect everyone. Throughout our time on earth, He is continuously guiding and molding His people in faith.

The concept of redemption and forgiveness is based in the belief that through Jesus Christ's sacrifice, we are offered a path to forgiveness for our sins, which gives us a new beginning and a restored relationship with God. This act of grace is seen as a gift, freely given, and is central to the message of hope and salvation. The understanding that faith in Christ connects us with God, the Father, shows the power of having faith as a source of strength and motivation for us all.

And finally, we have the work of the Holy Spirit. Paul tells us, “In him you also, when you had heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and had believed in him, were marked with the seal of the promised Holy Spirit; this is the pledge of our inheritance towards redemption as God’s own people, to the praise of his glory.” This "seal" of the Holy Spirit is a guarantee of our salvation and our eternal life. These words show us the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of a Christian and should serve as a source of comfort and encouragement. It reassures us of our place in God's plan and the certainty of our salvation, which is not based on our own works but on our faith in Christ and through the grace of God. As Paul wrote, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God” (Ephesians 2:8-9)

The Holy Spirit is given to us now to help us know for certain, that this final work of redemption will come in the future. That means that we can look for the work of the Spirit to assure us for the future. That’s the idea here. God is guaranteeing our inheritance. All of history is heading toward a time when there’s going to be a new heaven and a new earth, and God will be present among his people. God has promised that the new earth will be the inheritance of all his people. The Holy Spirit’s presence in our lives is the guarantee.

Always remember these words of Paul, “In Him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in Him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit.”  Notice the importance of hearing the gospel and believing in Jesus.  No one is saved without both hearing and heeding the gospel message and accepting Jesus as the Son of God and their Lord and Saviour. This is what Paul wrote in his letter to the members of the church in Rome, “How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed?  And how are they to believe in Him of whom they have never heard?” (Romans 10:14)

Once you hear the gospel, believe Jesus died in your place and rose again, and receive him into your life, you will be saved, forgiven of your sins and “sealed with the promised Holy Spirit.”  In Bible times, a seal was imprinted by a signet ring which conveyed authenticity and ownership.  It was used for security and safekeeping.  We see this in 2 Timothy 2:19: “But God’s firm foundation stands, bearing this seal: ‘The Lord knows those who are His…”

Since God has blessed us through his Son, how should we honour that blessing in our lives? Here are three things which could change the way you live, and the manner in which you share your time, resources, and abilities.

Instead of always asking God to bless you, start living in light of the blessings he has already given you.  2 Peter 1:3 says we’ve been given “everything we need for life and godliness.”  God’s people were told to take what had already been granted to them by living out the blessing bestowed upon them. This is a call to not just hold the blessings in our hearts, but to express them through our lives and actions.

And instead of asking God to bless what you’re doing, figure out what God is already blessing, and join him there.  Henry Blackaby, a Canadian pastor said, “So many Christians try to come up with ways they can serve God and then ask Him to bless their efforts.  But the more biblical approach is to observe what God is already doing around us and join him in that work.” Often, we are so tied up in busyness we fail to see all the blessings around us. They are there, we just need to trust God and look for them. Some people take time to count their blessings every day, it’s said that they are often the happiest people. Maybe it’s something we should all do daily.

In closing, instead of focusing just on our material blessings, we can celebrate the spiritual blessings God has given us. When we put our faith in God the Father, Jesus His Son and the Holy Spirit, we are swept up into something so much bigger than our day to day lives. The reality of God changes everything about every moment of our day. It is a relief to know that God has chosen us. This isn’t up to us. We find our true identity when we engage ourselves in faith. We are given a demonstration of God’s work in our lives through the Spirit in our lives and in the community around us. God has told us that his plan for the ages is to bring unity to all creation through Jesus Christ. And we know that God will do as he promises to do. It is certain that he will accomplish all that he has promised us. We can live in His faithfulness each and every day.

Let us Pray:

Heavenly Father, may we walk with wisdom and grace, understanding the path laid out for us. Let us embrace the journey with courage and an open heart, trusting in your guidance through the Holy Trinity. May our actions reflect the compassion and love that is expected of us, as we strive to fulfill the purpose which you have planned for our lives. In Jesus name we pray. Amen

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