O God of sight and insight, send your Holy Spirit to remove the scales from our eyes, so that we might see your truth and grasp your wisdom. Grant us…
O God of Resurrection, breathe your Holy Spirit upon us now, so that as your Word is read and preached, we might hear, understand, and believe. Amen. A couple of…
Spirit of power and new possibility, open our minds to understanding, our hearts to loving, and our wills to carrying out the mission of the Risen Christ, God’s Living Word.…
Creator God, you spoke, and light appeared in chaotic nothingness. Your Word became flesh in Jesus Christ and lived among us. Speak again with the power of the Holy Spirit…
Soften our hearts, O God, as we listen to the words of scripture, so that our hearts may be fertile soil in which you plant your living Word. Help us…
O God, we turn to the Scripture to seek your wisdom and your truth. Send your Holy Spirit to open our minds and hearts to receive your Word for our…
God of wisdom, your Word brings light to show us the way you would have us follow. As the Scriptures are read and proclaimed this day, send us your Holy…
God of all wisdom and truth, we seek your guidance as we hear the Scriptures read and interpreted today. Send your Holy Spirit to open our minds and hearts, to…
God of wisdom, your Word brings life and hope. By the power of your Spirit, open our minds to understanding, teach our hearts to love, and strengthen our wills to…