God of mystery and majesty, your thoughts are not our thoughts; your ways are not our ways. Send us your Holy Spirit, speaking through the Scriptures, so that our thoughts…
God of ages past, present and yet to come, your Word comes to us as the witness of your saints over many generations. Send the Holy Spirit to open our…
God of ages past, present and yet to come, your Word comes to us as the witness of your saints over many generations. Send the Holy Spirit to open our…
Lord God, as we listen to the Scriptures this day, send your Holy Spirit so we encounter the words as your Living Word. It has been a difficult time for…
Union Presbyterian Church 745 Marsh Rd, Thorburn, NS B0K 1W0 Rev. Greg Dickson, Interim-Moderator John Reeves, Clerk of Session Margaret Weir, Organist Kathy Campbell, bulletin preparation Sunday, October, 29, 2023…
Dear God, bring us peace and comfort as we gather to listen to the Scriptures read and proclaimed. By your Spirit, grant us fresh understanding, and challenge us to live…
Gracious God, thank you for all you do for us and our families and friends. Open our minds to understanding, nurture our hearts with love, and strengthen our lives with…
O God, by your gifts of Word and Spirit, open our minds to greater understanding, our hearts to deeper love, and our wills to eager service, through Christ, your Living…
O Lord, by the power of your Spirit, open our hearts and our minds to your Word. Teach us your ways and give us the grace to follow them. Give…
God of wisdom, prepare our hearts and minds to receive your Word. Where it challenges us, lead us by your Spirit to respond in faithfulness for the sake of Christ…