God of wisdom, prepare our hearts and minds to receive your Word. Where it challenges us, lead us by your Spirit to respond in faithfulness for the sake of Christ…
God of wisdom, you teach us with love, you touch us with mercy, and you challenge us with truth. Send your Holy Spirit to help us grasp your love, mercy,…
Heavenly Father, source of all wisdom and understanding, amid so many competing voices, let us hear your word for our times. Send your Holy Spirit to help us discern your…
Gracious God, open our minds to understanding, teach our hearts to love, and strengthen our wills to carry out the mission of your Word. Amen. The redwood trees of northern…
God of wisdom, as we gather to hear your Word this day, calm our spirits and still our minds so that we can receive your message with clarity and respond…
Holy God, your Word is bread for our journey. Send us your Spirit so that we may know your wisdom and live it out for the sake of Christ, your…
God of the seeking heart, we search for truth in a world filled with hidden agendas. Send us your Holy Spirit to guide us to the treasures hidden in your…
God of wisdom, your thoughts are not our thoughts, your ways are not our ways. As we listen to the Scriptures, send your Holy Spirit to grant us understanding of…
Guide us, O God, by your Word and Spirit, so that we may see clearly the way to follow you and have the courage to live by your truth revealed…
If you have read any of the writings of the Latin poet Ovid, you would probably find it hard to see any resemblance between his writing and that of the…