As we pray for the Holy Spirit to open God’s word for us let’s use the words from the Apostle Paul’s prayer which we will be studying this morning. Let…
God of Word and Wisdom, you teach us ways that lead to healing and hope. Send the Holy Spirit to open our minds and hearts to your Word and Wisdom,…
Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, our strength, and our redeemer. Open our ears, open our hearts,…
Gracious God, open our minds to understanding, teach our hearts to love, and strengthen our wills to carry out the mission of your Word. Amen. On the Christian Church calendar…
God of Word and Wisdom, send us your Holy Spirit as we listen to the witness of your people in the Scriptures. May we claim the story of your redeeming…
God of Word and Wisdom, send us your Holy Spirit as we listen to the witness of your people in the Scriptures. May we claim the story of your redeeming…
Breathe your Spirit upon us, O Lord, as we listen to the Scriptures. Open our minds and hearts to receive your Living Word and fill us with renewed hope. Amen.…
Loving God, by the power of your Spirit, open our hearts to receive your Word, speaking through the Scriptures. Reveal your truth for our lives and our times, through Jesus…
Gracious God, open our minds to understanding, teach our hearts to love, and strengthen our wills to carry out the mission of your Word. Amen. After passing through the cold…
God of wisdom, send your Spirit to prepare our hearts and minds to hear your Word. Teach us to see you more clearly and love you more deeply as we…