God of green pastures and still waters, quiet our hearts and minds as we listen to the Scriptures. By your Spirit, deepen our understanding so that we come to know…
Living God, you speak to us in sacred story, through friendship and conversation, in bread broken and wine poured out. Send us your Holy Spirit as the Scriptures are read.…
Gracious God, as we listen to the Scripture, increase our understanding by the power of your Spirit. Shape our lives with your wisdom and inspire our love through…
Life-giving God, steady us with your Spirit. Open our hearts and minds so that we may attend to the stories of your grace and promise, revealed through Christ, your Living…
Light of the world, your Word brings new vision and hope. Shine your Spirit on us as we listen to the Scriptures, to open our eyes on your Word at…
Gracious God, open our minds to understanding, bless your church and continue to teach our hearts to love. Strengthen our wills to carry out the mission of your…
God of Life, send the Holy Spirit to guide us as we listen to stories from Scripture that may sound familiar. Speak your truth in ways that open our minds…
God of Word and Wisdom, your Spirit inspired the authors of Scripture with faithfulness in their day. Send us your Holy Spirit as we listen to the Scriptures in our…
Holy God, your mysteries surround and astound us each day. Send your Holy Spirit to open the mysteries of Scripture for us so that our understanding is refreshed and…
Holy God, your people turn to your Word for truth and guidance in every age. Send your Holy Spirit to inspire our understanding of your Scriptures, read and interpreted today.…