What to Expect on a Sunday

At the Thorburn church the parking lot is on the left-hand side of the building and there is an entrance with stairs up to the sanctuary or on the right-hand side of the building there is a wheelchair accessible ramp.
Services start at 11:00 a.m. in Thorburn, it best to arrive 10 to 15 minutes early. Dress is casual. All ages are welcome to take part in our services. Our services follow a traditional format and last approximately 1 hour. A free-will offering will be collected.

Below is an example of one of our services:

Union Presbyterian Church, Thorburn

June 27th, 2021



Responsive Call to Worship:

Leader: We gather with joy in this summer season.

People: Like plants breaking through the earth, the power of resurrection breaks through in surprising ways.

Leader: Like the vine that supports blossoms and fruit, God’s Word upholds the church in strength.

People: Like an attentive gardener, God tends the needs of all creation.

Leader: Let us worship God who makes all things new.

People: We will praise our God who brings growth to each and every life.

HYMN – 203 “When Jesus the Healer Passed Through Galilee”

Prayer of Confession:

God, our Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer,

We confess there are so many ways we fail to love you fully. Forgive us for our lack of reverence for the earth and for using up more than our share of its resources. Forgive us for ignoring the cries of others who know pain or discrimination which we dismiss as mere complaint. Forgive us for seeking praise from others yet failing to encourage them in their endeavours. Forgive us, O God, and root our lives more deeply in your love.


RESPONSE OF PRAISE – 90 “Up From the Depths I Cry”

#539 – Apostles Creed (Please Stand)

PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION – 749 “Be Still My Soul”, verse 1

Scripture: Acts 8:26-40 (pg.120); Psalm 22:25-31; 1 John 4:7-21; (pg.223)

Gospel Reading: John 15:1-8 (pg.104)

Message – John Reeves “The Work of an Evangelist”

Offering Prayer


Prayers of the People (concluded with the Lord’s Prayer)


HYMN – 559 “Oh I know the Lord Laid His Hands on Me”


Choral Benediction #665 “Lord Jesus You Shall Be My Song”